The Voice of Free Planet X : Episode 88: Outer Space Romance

True stories of fictional people, from Jadzia Axelrod


Episode 88: Outer Space Romance “I don’t understand you Earthans at all,? Jaeg said, inflating a third bladder in order to rise up to the spaceship window. Earth was still in view, though it was slowly shrinking amongst the black. “You have one of the most gorgeous planets in the galaxy, yet you all are constantly wandering away from

Lucky allowed himself a chuckle and stepped closer to the bundle of flesh and tentacles that was his co-pilot. He placed what he hoped was a comforting hand on Jaeg and watched her soft flesh change color at his touch. “We often don’t understand ourselves…

This episode featured “Don’t Resist The Love,? by STAN, and is made available through Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial 2.5 license. You can find out more information about this artist at

The Voice of Free Planet X theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of
Direct download: Episode_88-Outer_Space_Romance.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:01pm EST

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