The Voice of Free Planet X : Jared & Steve Like ASTERIOS POLYP

True stories of fictional people, from Jadzia Axelrod


Jared & Steve Like ASTERIOS POLYP

Jared Axelrod and Steve Walker talk about one of the true graphic novel classics of the past few years.

Asterios Polyp

Asterios Polyp
By David Mazzucchelli

This episode also featured music by:

The Thermals
"A Pillar of Salt" (mp3)
from "LIVE [at the Echoplex - December 7th, 2007]"
(Spaceland Recordings)

Buy at Amazon MP3

Direct download: 01_Jared__Steve_Like_ASTERIOS_POLYP.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:47pm EDT

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