The Voice of Free Planet X : Episode 145: Christiana Talks About Stuff

True stories of fictional people, from Jadzia Axelrod


Episode 145: Christiana Talks About Stuff I had a chance to sit down with one of the most talented, prolific podcasters around, Christiana Ellis, which is not something you turn down.  We discuss the demands of a daily project, writing comedy of audio, and use of female leads with  moral flexibility.

All things Christiana can be found here:

But you might also want wander over to these places as well:

Nina Kimberly the Merciless
Space Casey
Christiana’s Shallow Thoughts

The Voice of Free Planet X theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of
Direct download: Episode_145-Christiana_Talks_About_Stuff.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

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