The Voice of Free Planet X : Episode 136: It's Called A Power Suit For A Reason

True stories of fictional people, from Jadzia Axelrod


Episode 136: It's Called A Power Suit For A Reason After listening to NPR story about the demise of the necktie, I find myself thinking about my own sartorial sense. What does wearing, or not wearing a tie say about us?  What does wearing or not wearing a suit say?

Does wearing less clothes make us more authentic, or are we just lying to and about ourselves in different ways?

I will say that now, I intend to wear more ties.

The original NPR story

Lord Whimsy’s Rebuttal

Lord Whimsy’s neckwear guide

The Voice of Free Planet X theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of
Direct download: Episode_136-Its_Called_A_Power_Suit_For_A_Reason.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:05pm EST

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