The Voice of Free Planet X : Episode 113: Mash And Burn

True stories of fictional people, from Jadzia Axelrod


Episode 113: Mash And Burn I say it's high time we had somemore mash-ups around this place.

After all, listening to more than one song at once can be considered multitasking.

“Together As One? was mashed-up by DJ Earworm. You can find it and other mash-ups at

“Standing In The Way Of Contact? was mashed-up by A plus D. You can download it and other mash-ups at

“Burn Your Radio? was mashed-up by Instamatic. You can download it and other mash-ups at

The Voice of Free Planet X theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of
Direct download: Episode_113-Mash_And_Burn.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:04am EDT

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